Has Your Japanese Family Member Been Arrested By Federal Authorities? Learn What To Do

9 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog


It can be alarming when you find out that a loved one has been arrested and is being held under federal authority. You want to get them out of jail as soon a possible, but you may not know which way to turn for help. To find out the actions you need to take to obtain both freedom and justice for your loved one, read below.

First, Locate Your Loved One

You may only know that your loved one was arrested and that they are not being held in a city or county jail at first. Immigration enforcement actions are almost always connected to federal agencies like the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (or ICE). When they make an arrest, detainees are usually transported to the closest federal facility. Rather than trying to figure out where they are being held, though, you can just use a phone to locate them using the number 1-888-351-4024. If you would rather locate them using the internet, use the detainee locator system.

Get Legal Help At Once

If you want to get the best help possible to both locate your loved one and help them in other ways, call on a Japanese immigration lawyer. Once the lawyer is on the task, they can locate your loved one and learn more about their charges and bond. An immigration bond allows your loved one to gain their freedom from detainment. Being out of jail is important since these facilities can be extremely unpleasant, crowded, and even dangerous in many cases. The only way to gain such freedom is with a bond.

Understanding Federal Immigration Bonds

A bond, or bail, is a financial payment owed to be free from jail. It comes with conditions too, such as not leaving the country, avoiding more arrests, and, most importantly of all, appearing for all upcoming court cases. As a loved one, you can either pay the federal court for the full cost of the bail or use a bail bonding agency that works with federal immigration bonds. If your loved one has been denied bail or the bail is far too high, your Japanese immigration lawyer can ask for a hearing to explain why your loved one should have an affordable way to get out of jail.

Getting an immigration lawyer on the case as soon as possible can only help your loved one's chances of dealing with the charges. Don't just wait for things to happen – make them happen with professional legal help from a Japanese immigration lawyer.